Ninjago is a computer-anime television show created by Michael Hegner and Tommy Andreasen; produced by The Lego Group.  The series was developed to concur with the Lego Ninjago line of construction toys, which is adapted from the characters and events of the series. It revolves around the fictitious world of Ninjago, depicting the story of a panel of six young ninjas and their fight against evil forces.

The series initially aired two pilot episodes and later aired the first season in late 2011 with a total of thirteen episodes. The last season titled Seabound premiered on April 4, 2021, with a total of sixteen episodes. The series gathered lots of positive reviews and has an IMDB rating of 7.3 out of 10. 

After the premiere of the fourteenth season, fans have been expecting an update about the renewal of the series for its fifteenth season, and here’s what we know so far about it.

Ninjago Season 15 Release Date

In March 2021, the Lego Group had produced a miniseries titled “Ninjago: The Island”, just before the premiere of the fourteenth season of the series and that resulted in creating confusion regarding the season the series is on a few people call “Ninjago: The Island” as Season 14.

However, it was clarified by Bragi Schut, head writer since Season 10, via Twitter that he sees “Ninjago: Seabound” as Season 14, whereas “Ninjago: The Island” is a separate miniseries.

15 is the season currently being written. Did you mean 14? If so, yes, but I can’t say any more than that.

— Bragi (@bragischutjr) May 16, 2021

As of yet, no official announcement is there about Season 15 of Ninjago, neither from The Lego Group nor from the creators. However, the tweet led to indications that in May 2021, the storyline for the fifteenth season was already being written. 

In January 2021, the Tweet by co-creator Tommy Andreasen also referenced the script for the fifteenth season saying that fans will have to wait until 2022 to see the new episodes.

Given that the fourteenth season aired in 2021, we may expect season 15 to kick off this year, but confirmation is still awaited. We hope that the team makes the official announcement soon to cheer up the fans. 

I have just read the funniest Ninjago script ever!
My laughter fills the night – Haaa – Haaa!

The rest of you will have to wait until 2022. Sorry!

— Tommy A … on a break! Quanish was a fool! (@TommyAndreasen) January 20, 2021

Ninjago Season 15 Expected Cast

Throughout the period series ran, the six lead characters were voiced by the same actors that including:

  • Vincent Tong voicing red ninja Kai, Elemental Master of Fire, 
  • Michael Adamthwaite dubbing blue ninja Jay, Master of Lightning, 
  • Kirby Morrow dubbing black ninja Cole, Master of Earth, 
  • Kelly Metzger dubbing the blue-gray ninja Nya, Master of Water, 
  • Brent Miller dubbing the white ninja Zane, Master of Ice, and 
  • Paul Dobson dubbing Master Wu

We can expect the return of almost all the voice cast from the previous seasons. We expect to return to save Morrow, who unfortunately lost his life in November 2020.  During that time, he had already finished recording his sections for Season 14, “Ninjago: Seabound,” which is probably his last appearance in the show. 

The remaining voice casts who will most likely be returning for Season 15 include Sam Vincent, who plays Lloyd Garmadon, Kathleen Barr as Misako, Mark Oliver as Sensei Garmadon, and Jennifer Hayward as P.I.X.A.L., whereas the other cast could introduce new characters the ninjas get to interact with during their journey.

Andreasen provided a sneak peek of one new actor landing the cast as a new character with a snap via Twitter, however, no further updates were disclosed except that the character is apparently “one of the weirdest and wonderful ones [the writers] have ever come up with.”

What Can We Expect From Ninjago Season 15?

The story of Season 14, revolves around Nya since she discovers her elemental powers of water, which eventually get linked to a mythical creature deep inside the sea.  Towards the end of the season, we saw Nya becoming compelled to be one with the sea to secure everyone, losing her power to continue to be on land with the other ninjas.

Though she is perhaps gone as of yet, the hints were given by Andreasen that her story has not come to an end as of now.  The new season will obviously explore the elemental powers of the ninjas, though it isn’t unclear what enemies or other hindrances they might be encountering. 

All the hints regarding the new season to date have been disclosed by the writers on Twitter, though there aren’t many specifics. Andreasen revealed a few things that Jake, portrayed by Nicholas Holmes, will return in the new season and that the character Kai will have “much love and romance in the year to come.”

Another thing that we can definitely assume is some kind of change with the character Cole, however, it is not known currently as to what will happen. Andreasen retorted to a fan’s query about this by describing that they have not reached a decision about what to do lightly, though he thinks that they did what would “honor Kirby best.” 

Sadly, not enough confirmation is there but we hope to hear some positive updates soon and promise to keep you updated with all the latest updates until then stay tuned to our website.
