Geekdom is defined as having a passion for comics and anime. There was a time when being called a geek was considered an insult and used as a label for an awkward, social misfit person. Now, being a geek is a trait that is deemed to be cool in pop culture

The Geek Culture is on the rise and is becoming increasingly popular. All over the world, geeks have formed their communities and some of these are spread globally – thanks to the internet!  One of these communities is All Ages Of Geek.

About All Ages Of Geek:

All Ages of Geek is a geek culture online community with a focus on geek culture production and content for all ages. Founded by Katya Stec in New Jersey, the company’s mission is to “unite the geeks of all ages” with the power of geek culture and its influence. 


“Being a geek myself, I always wanted a platform where I could share my thoughts with people who have the same passion and love for comics and anime. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find one so I decided, why not start one?”, Stec said.

All Ages of Geek first started out as a Let’s Play channel called Miscat Squad and was later dubbed All Ages of Geek after Stec saw the constant need for more interactivity in geek culture communities. 

The startup strongly believes in ‘Interactivity Over Community’ meaning that while having a community is important, it is of hardly any use if the members of the community do not interact with each other. This is why Stec decided to rebrand her startup from Miscat Squad to All Ages Of Geek.

With the rebranding, Stec shifted the startup’s focus from just gaming and Let’s Plays to the whole world of geek culture. All Ages of Geek is known as the ‘Haven For Geeks’ who are looking for a more positive outlook on geek culture in the ever-growing toxic communities.

Stec believes that the internet has played a significant role in bringing geeks from all over the world together by providing them a common platform. “Internet has brought together people with a shared passion for animes and fiction. We geeks now have several platforms to discuss anything related to geek culture which has made our community stronger,” she said.

Geek Culture And Events:

With geek culture rising out of the ashes, there are so many different conventions now being held for geeks to show off their talent and love for Geek Culture without the fear of being picked on.

The ComicCon remains the biggest geek convention that takes place in different parts of the world every year. Comic book fans dress up as their favorite comic characters and gather at one place to meet creators, experts, and other fans. Usually, comic conventions are multi-day events hosted at convention centers, hotels, or college campuses.

Apart from ComicCon, there are many other geek culture events too, including ComicPalooza, Anime Festival Asia and Walker Stalker Con. Some of these events have also been attended by world-famous celebrities, which shows how the geek culture has evolved from being a mere label for socially awkward misfits to becoming one of the coolest traits of this millennium. 
