From Citizen TV to BBC: The Story of Renowned Kenyan Journalist Waihiga Mwaura

Waihiga Mwaura: Early Life and Education:

Waihiga Mwaura: Meteoric Rise at Citizen TV:

Awards and Recognition:

Mwaura’s outstanding work earned him numerous accolades.

In 2012, he received the prestigious CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Award, followed by the Mo Amin Award for Investigative Reporting in 2015.

In 2018, he achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first Kenyan and East African to win the BBC World News

  • Komla Dumor Award, underscoring his exceptional talent and contribution to journalism.

Waihiga Mwaura 🇰🇪: Komla Dumor Award, underscoring his exceptional talent and contribution to journalism.

Transition to BBC and Focus on Africa:

Beyond Journalism:

Impact and Legacy:

Waihiga Mwaura undeniably influences Kenyan and African journalism.

He inspires aspiring journalists, showcasing that success can be achieved through dedication, integrity, and passion.

His voice serves as a potent tool for informing, educating, and engaging audiences worldwide.


Waihiga Mwaura’s journey underscores the influence of hard work, talent, and unwavering dedication.

He embodies the roles of a storyteller, truth-seeker, and a voice for the voiceless.

While navigating the ever-evolving world of journalism, one certainty prevails:

Waihiga Mwaura’s name will endure in the annals of African media history.

This comprehensive article aims to offer you a deeper understanding of Waihiga Mwaura, the man behind the microphone.

His narrative is one of hope, resilience, and an unyielding pursuit of truth.

As he continues to illuminate the continent of Africa, we can all draw inspiration from his steadfast commitment to impactful journalism.
