Aurelie Sheehan Obituary, Death – The following message comes from our friends and fellow students at the University of Arizona Creative Writing department. We are deeply saddened by the passing of a cherished friend, colleague, and collaborator who also happened to be a writer.
We are saddened to inform you that Aurelie Sheehan passed away on August 3. It is with a heavy heart that we share this news with you. I pray that the remembrance of her will be a benefit. Aurelie was a highly gifted, compassionate, and calming figure who kept everyone together with elegance. She was the long-time head of the MFA Program, our recent Department Head, a cherished faculty member who loved her students so much, a good friend, wife, and mother; she was also a figure who oversaw the MFA Program. She was incredibly generous with her time and energy toward everyone, and she vehemently defended what was good. One who triumphs.
In the year 2000, Aurelie became a member of the UA faculty. She had a profound impact on a very large number of people’s lives here and everywhere she visited. Her novels, which are without peer, have also helped her to connect with a great number of people. Kindly read over them once more.
The last image on this page is a citation from the author Laird Hunt. It is a stunning illustration of Aurelie’s complete lack of fear in the face of the reality. How magnificently she executed everything from her very first book to her very last book, which we have yet to read because she left behind a number of unpublished book manuscripts. We are grateful to you, Aurelie, but we wish you were here to witness them being enthusiastically received and heard at the end.
At some point during this year, the University of Arizona will host a party in honor of Aurelie’s books, which hold a significant value for both her coworkers and her students. We think about you often, Aurelie.